Case Studies

WHISCERS™ Case Studies

Case Study 1: Survey using laser measurement

Demonstrating how laser technology has been used to measure internal wall dimensions for the installation of plasterboard and insulation board which resulted in cost savings on a three bed terrace property as part of a social housing refurbishment programme.

Project details 

Low-carbon retrofitting of a three-storey Victorian house in Linden Lea and Wenlock Edge Goodwyns Estate, Dorking, Surrey. WHISCERS™ is a process developed by the Sustainable Energy Academy with John Doggart at i3i Tech Ltd. WHISCERS™ utilises laser scanning; off-site cutting of internal wall board; and fitting with residents in situ.

The process

WHISCERS™ is a three part process:

  • A 3D laser scanner measures the internal dimensions of a room. The digital data is then downloaded to a factory-based off-site cutting machine.
  • The machine cuts the internal wall boards with great accuracy. Software optimises the cut to minimise wastage, typically reducing wastage by 10-15% compared with on-site cutting.
  • The boards are delivered on reusable pallets to site as a kit and are then fitted to the walls with minimal noise, mess and disruption.

Reducing waste through plasterboard take back scheme

Waste is diverted further through off-cuts being returned via a take-back scheme. This enables clean segregation and bulking up of materials at the factory to maximise load efficiency back to Kingspan.

Benefits include

  • Reduced cost: through zero over-ordering
  • Time savings in measurement: dimensions of a typical wall can be collated in 10 minutes as opposed to 30 minutes using traditional methods. A typical three bedroom house can be surveyed in 60-90 minutes.
  • Faster installation and lower labour costs: insulation board and plasterboard arrives on site and can normally be fitted in 90 minutes per room–twice as fast as standard installation
  • Less waste: although some minor rework may be required, factory machine cutting provides greater levels of accuracy compared with hand-cutting on-site
  • Less disruption: residents can remain in the property, meaning no relocation costs – only furniture requires moving from the fitted wall area

Business benefits

  • £15,000 in material costs
  • 280 tonnes plasterboard
  • 100 labour days

(Note these are approximate savings per 100 properties)

Material resource efficiency and cost savings based on plasterboard installation in a typical three bedroom terrace property

1 Based on approximate cost of £16 per square metre of plasterboard

2 Estimated based on 6% wasted per standard scheme

3 Based on average labour costs, one tradesmen at £75 per day, one labourer at £45 per day

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